Talking the Walk  

Talking the Walk

Talking the Walk

Author: Jane Markham

Talking the Walk visits some of the loveliest towns in South Warwickshire. These Shakespeare Country podcasts are made to complement local heritage maps and walks. In them local people to talk about the places they know best - bringing their towns to life with anecdotes and stories as they take us on a journey through the streets where they live.
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Language: en

Genres: Places & Travel, Society & Culture, Sports, Wilderness

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Compton Verney
Monday, 17 March, 2008

Lancelot Capability Brown laid out the grounds of this grade one listed mansion house in the heart of Warwickshire not far from Stratford Upon Avon. This Talking the Walk takes us on a stroll round the lake with John Schumann - the head groundsman who took over from his father 30 years ago - and historian John Phibbs who has made a particular study of Capability Brown's work. When you 've done the walk why not visit the house which is now an art gallery housing the Peter Moore's Foundation collection.


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