JessWhit Fit Pop-Cast  

JessWhit Fit Pop-Cast

Author: Jessica Whitman

The JessWhit Fit Pop-Cast is a three part Podcast hosted by Jessica Whitman (also known has JessWhit Fit). Jess is a fitness/bodybuilding competitor and has a passion for showing individuals how to be healthier, happier, and make progress in the gym while eating Poptarts in the kitchen. Jess models this each Pop-cast episode after her favorite treat, the Poptart. She starts with the base of the podcast where she discusses a general health, fitness, or mindset topic, then moves to a "fill and A" section (a question and answer section that is the "filling" of the pop-cast), and finally finishes with none other than the sprinkles on top, just like a Poptart. Follow Jess on instagram @jesswhit_fit and follow/subscribe to this podcast to be notified of new episodes!
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Nutrition

Contact email: Get it

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iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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