Bachelor Massacre  

Bachelor Massacre

A foul-mouthed Bachelor/Bachelorette recap show created by wannabe celebrity chef Amanda Quincosa and washed up rapper J Waves.

Author: Sparse Mansion Media

A foul-mouthed Bachelor/Bachelorette recap show created by wannabe celebrity chef Amanda Quincosa and washed up rapper J Waves. Currently hosted by Waves, Amanda (aka Mandy), and Scotty Boombox. Brought to you by Sparse Mansion Media.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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The Bachelor - Season 27 (Finale & After the Final Rose)
Episode 12
Thursday, 30 March, 2023

Although we've come to the end of the road, I have no problem letting go. The Zachelor is finally over and the ending was not surprising. But what about those Jess rumors?? Look, I'm just trying to think of something to write, I fucked my back up at the gym. I mean, I'm not any more stoned than usual, I just want to lay down, ok?This episode of Bachelor Massacre covers all sorts of territory, from the cruelty of this season to trusting your gut to brow lamination. And best of all, for the first time ever, you get all 3 hosts at once. Do it. Do it!!!If you've been riding with us this season, we really appreciate it. Now that this run is over, we would love some feedback! Please write us a review and don't just Zach it up and tell us what we want to hear. Unless you can "really see a future" with us and want to give us a rose.Bon voyage,Waves, Mandy, Scotty, and Sparse Mansion Media


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