Everyday Eldritch  

Everyday Eldritch

Author: Everyday Eldritch

Everyday Eldritch is an experimental horror anthology series. Immerse yourself through engaging storytelling, thoughtful music, and sound. Enter a haunting world of horror, drama, and madness with Johnny Fell. Like the show? Share the pod, and help us grow! Follow us on Twitter @EverydayEldritc
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Books, Drama, Fiction

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"Recurring with Breakfast" by Radar DeBoard | Ft. PhoenixFireYT, Silver Underworld, The Queen of Panic
Wednesday, 10 July, 2024

A typical breakfast date turns creepy, as Jack confronts Ernesto about his disturbing dream. Slide into the diner booth and order up a greasy plate of hash browns. Join us for a collaborative nightmare adventure. 📖 STORY: "Recurring with Breakfast" by Radar DeBoard. Guest Narrators: "Phoenix Fire YT" as "Narrator" "The Panic Within" as "Waitress" "Silver Underworld" as "Ernesto" - Check out his Sleep Channel ► Credits:  - 


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