Wibbly Wobbly Chatty Watty  

Wibbly Wobbly Chatty Watty

Author: Dean Walker

The Ultimate Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast. Join Dean and Andrea, two Who fanatics, as they explore the revival era of the worlds longest-running Sci-Fi programme. Travelling back to 2005, the pair delve into every instalment since the shows brave return and analyse a new episode each week. With laughs and trivia, debates and character roastings, Dean and Andrea celebrate the highs and discuss the lows of Britains timeless TV gem.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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2.9 The Satan Pit
Episode 9
Tuesday, 30 March, 2021

“It's that feeling you get, eh? Right at the back of your head. That impulse, that strange little impulse, that mad little voice saying, go on, go on, go on”...tune into Wibbly Wobbly’s ‘The Satan Pit’ (Doctor Who, series 2, episode 9)! It’s a story of temptation and faith, ventilation shafts and ancient prisons, Deans and Andreas - wait, maybe not that last bit! Give into the temptation and press play now...


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