The Not Comp BeastsAuthor: The Not Comp Beasts
Hi! Melanie Blews and Ryann Graham coming to you weekly with episode recaps of Big Brother S24. (Also, maybe another show. We just vibing.) Language: en Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Big Brother S24 - Week 3 Eviction/ Week 4 Eviction/ Week 5 Nominations
Saturday, 13 August, 2022
Melanie and Ryann are back and they try to catch up on all the episodes they missed up until week 5 nominations. They discuss how much money it would take to allow their significant other to cheat on national television and why black people should not care about the optics of them working together. We apologize in advance for the audio this episode! Instagram & Twitter : @gudguyryry / @melanie_blews Intro Music by BrightestAvenue from Pixabay