Trek, Marry, Kill  

Trek, Marry, Kill

Author: Trek Marry Kill

There are 950 episodes of Star Trek. Some are good, some are great, and the rest are ones we'll watch because why not? Star Trek is like pizza or sex: even when it's bad it's still good. Join Bryan and Kristen (and the occasional special guest) as they grade episodes from every series by asking specific questions like "What part of the story will they teach at Starfleet Academy?" "What are the Best Trek Tropes in the episode?" "What's the most cosplayable character or moment?" and many more in order to arrive at a final judgment of TREK, MARRY, or KILL. It's more fun than playing F***, Marry, Kill with your friends in school because it's about Star Trek!Keep track of our grades at show is not affiliated with Paramount, Viacom, CBS Television Studios, Roddenberry Entertainment, or Secret Hideout Productions. Our theme music is "70's Synth Funk Jam" by Phill_Dillow on Pixabay.
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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PIC: "Maps and Legends" & "The End is the Beginning" (s1e2-3)
Episode 36
Tuesday, 4 March, 2025

PADDING THE RUNTIME. It's been five years since the premiere of Star Trek: Picard and the first season was a bumpy ride for all involved. Patrick Stewart trying to capture Jean-Luc Picard at a different point in his life. A host of executives, producers, and writers being largely unfamiliar with the character or episodic TV; and a first-time showrunner trying to figure out how to pace out an incomplete story. Bryan & Kristen revisit this experiment in brand extension to see how well it's held up.  The grades begin at (20:55).


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