Odd Dad Out  

Odd Dad Out

Every week(ish) I, Adam Higgins, share personal stories and rants, talk Dad life, and just generally empty my brain out for your listening pleasure. And I wrap it up with a podcast recommendation for you to check out because "sharing is caring."

Author: Adam Higgins

Every week(ish) Adam Higgins shares personal stories and rants, talks Dad life, and just generally empties his brain out for your listening pleasure, and wraps it up with a podcast recommendation for you to check out because "sharing is caring."Odd Dad Out: "Normal Is Not My Specialty" Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Kicking Butts and Smoking Chickens: ODO 232
Friday, 28 April, 2023

It's been a busy couple weeks and you know I've gotta tell you about it. First off, the boys had a taekwondo tournament a few weeks ago. And, despite not coming home with nearly as many medals as some other recent tournaments, we were more proud of them all than probably any other tournament day before strictly becasue of their great attitudes.Then, watch out, a new "man hobby" has entered the field in the form of smoking meats. We have purchased a smoker, and I got to cook up my very first batch of smoked chicken this last weekend. A lot of lessons were learned, but the food was nevertheless amazing.-Support The Show-Leave Me a Voicemail ‪(516) 636-7631‬ (ODO-POD1)Join the Facebook Group Oddballs: Friends of The Odd Dad OutBuy Me A CoffeeVisit The ODO ShopTwitter @OdddadoutFacebook @OddadoutInstragram @Odddadout Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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