Talking Pints  

Talking Pints

Shakespeare said that all the world was a stage, and all the men and women merely players, but Shakespeare was a lazy swine who couldn't even be bothered to write his own plays. The world is not a stage but a bar, and each of us gathered there for a pint and a chat until the indomitable bouncer shows us the door. Sherbrooke Liquor's Talking Pints exists to document the events of that bar, or at least those that take place around Edmonton-- the conversations, characters, and beverages that make them up. Each month, the affable and ill-informed Lewis Kelly tracks down a different local brewing luminary for a topical talk on all things related to Edmonton beer. The show explains the wonderful and sometimes bewildering world of beer to the non-expert, and introduces the movers-and-shakers of the local brewing landscape.
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Genres: Arts, Food, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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