DeMarco Real Talk  

DeMarco Real Talk

Our show is for everyone to have an Outlet, Real Talk, & Help others come up with Solutions and help people find the way. If u just wanna talk about something o

Author: DeMarco Real Talk

DeMarco Real Talk is a Focused Show for everyone to come and have and enjoy Real Talk, we bring all types of Topics & Issues to all of our listeners and help each other come up with solutions and help others find the way, we also allow our listeners the opportunity to take part on the shows by asking questions, commenting, joining the conversation or just chatting and giving input to the DeMarco Real Talk Team and/or special guests that we may have on the show at the time, we want to make sure you get factual information from our show.
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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DRT Relationship Real Talk
Episode 2
Thursday, 21 June, 2018

We will be touching on relationships and keepin' it real as we always do so buckle your seat belts and get ready cause its going down 4 real. We will also touch about other things too and also give you the chance to call in LIVE and give us your opions, ask your questions and more.


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