National Life Stories  

National Life Stories

Author: National Life Stories at the British Library

From its modest beginnings in 1987, National Life Stories has grown significantly and helped to create one of the largest oral history collections in the world the British Library holds some 70,000 recordings of which nearly 3,000 are long, in-depth biographical interviews created by National Life Stories. Each episode of this podcast will bring you a conversation with someone else associated with National Life Stories from interviewers, to curators, to listening service and technical staff. Well be using this medium to surface great interview extracts and try to get to the bottom of what we think is special about the life story approach to oral history.
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NLS Podcast #6: Science and Religion
Thursday, 29 March, 2018

Episode 6 of National Life Stories podcast features Paul Merchant talking to Charlie Morgan about his work on the project Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum. The oral histories conducted by Paul were part of a much larger project run out of Newman University, York University and the University of Kent and led by Dr Fern Elsdon Baker and Professor Bernard Lightman. You find out more information on their website: All the interviews conducted by Paul are available on British Library Sounds. Clips in the episode are taken from the following interviews: John Hedley Brooke, C1672/08: Mary Midgley, C1672/05: Simon Conway Morris, C1672/14: If you’d like to learn more check out our collection guide on Oral histories of religion and belief: National Life Stories:


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