The Rant with BaethAuthor: Baeth Davis
If you aren't getting what you want, it's because you think you know who you are. But do you? If you did, you would be getting what you want. What stops most people from knowing who they really are is the fear of failure, rejection or being called out as a fraud. So a person says, "I'd rather stay ignorant of my Life Purpose than know it and fail to do it." Even if you are successful, this podcast is for you if you know there has to be more - more soul satisfaction - rather than boredom, depression, anger, bitterness, disappointment or frustration. In order to grow a successful business, you must know who you are at a soul level - call it your blueprint, your design, your DNA. The acorn grows into an oak tree, not a willow tree. Do you even know what your seed wants to become? Baeth Davis rants (in her inspiring, humorous way) on the insanity of struggling to "make more money" and "get by." When you know your design, your life is financed because you are in the flow. Join Baeth as she shares her 20 years of wisdom as a million-dollar business owner and interviews celebrities, successful entrepreneurs and innovators on the leading edge of consciousness who have overcome the belief that something is missing to living a life of prosperity. Isn't it time YOU experienced right work for right pay? Language: en Genres: Business, Careers, Philosophy, Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Energetic Mastery For Creating The Life You Desire With Manifesting Generator Cory Michelle
Thursday, 17 June, 2021
If you want something, you need to fight for it. You need to do the work and attain a certain level of energetic mastery so that you can manifest your desires into reality. However, there is another way to earn your desires without much extra work. That is what Baeth Davis and her guest Cory Michelle talk about in this conversation. Cory is an author, energetic mastery mentor, and the founder of the UnicornCEO® and Energetic Mastery™ Trainings. She helps unicorns (highly conscious and intuitive women) break through their limitations so that they can achieve their lifelong desires. Join them now so that you, too can also unlock your true potential! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!