Ecogal the curious consumer  

Ecogal the curious consumer


Author: Ashleigh Prince

We will be exploring issues, topics, products, resources, and some alternatives for that non-toxic sustainable life you want to achieve. Conversations that get to the point with our expert, with a little fun along the way. Keeping it simple and real, to make it attainable. There is no one way for everyone, however, we hope to provide solid information that you can build upon, be inspired by, and help you create the changes you want to make in your life. Stay Curious
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Language: en

Genres: Alternative Health, Earth Sciences, Health & Fitness, Science

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What is biodynamic farming and why the health of the planet and our bodies benefit from this method!
Episode 22
Saturday, 3 February, 2024

Jeff Poppen, a Midwestern farm boy, helped develop an organic farm and Tennessee homestead in the mid-1970s, and ten years later began applying biodynamic principals and making the preparations to do so. His livelihood comes primarily from vegetable and cattle grown on the 250-acre Long Hungry Creek Farm, where cows, compost, and community keep the land vibrant and productive. Jeff advocates for a more peaceful agriculture by mentoring young farmers and gardeners, along with a bit of lecturing, consulting, hosting events, and facilitating a few new farm enterprises. His style of old-time farming comes from paying close attention to what elder farmers thought, felt, and did, and by studying how farms were managed before agricultural chemicals were first manufactured on a large scale over one hundred years ago. Like his animals, he gets his food from the farm.


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