Sunny Runners Podcast  

Sunny Runners Podcast

Author: Brooke Stanton & Chris Vargas

Brooke Stanton's the newbie and co-host Chris Vargas is the experienced athlete. We represent the amateur athletes, the racers, the weekend warriors, the gal who clipped her shoes on her bike for a Triathlon to improve her transition time, but instead crashed into the elite athletes, the dad everyone gets pissed at when he passes them in a racepushing two kids in a stroller, the overenthusiastic newbie who sucked down too many GUs and had to find a toilet at an elementary school in the Bronx during the NYC Marathon (" NOT go in there!"). We tackle the mishaps, the mayhem, and the triumphs of pursuing your passion for running/biking/swimming, while juggling your daily life.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Running, Sports, Swimming

Contact email: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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