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Swimming Podcasts

Here are some recently curated podcasts in the genre Swimming:


The SwimSwam Podcast

The Weekly Freestyle
Olympic athlete Tom Dean & co host Alex Sutton

Champion's Mojo for Masters Swimmers
Kelly Palace, Host

An Open Water Swimmer's Podcast
William Ellis

Tauchtalk: Der Podcast rund ums tauchen

Before Midnight
Brian Schenkenfelder, Linda Word

The Aqua Pod
Scottish Swimming

Inside The Big Ring: The Podcast for Endurance Athletes
Steven Brandes

The Reale Deal Show
Jay Reale

Are You Supersport?
I Love Supersport

Low Tide Boyz, a Swimrun Podcast
Low Tide Boyz

Inside with Brett Hawke
Brett Hawke

Watt is los - Gespräche mit Triathlon Profis & Menschen aus dem Sport

Propulsion Swimming Podcast
Propulsion Swimming

Tri Swim Coach Triathlon Swimming Podcast
Kevin Koskella

Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Danielle Spurling

Marathon Swim Stories
Shannon House Keegan

Couch to Kona Podcast
Drew & Todd

Le Tri Chaud

Ventura Forward
Spencer & Spence

SwimStrong Dryland Podcast
SwimStrong Dryland

Emmanuelle Germain

Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Danielle Spurling

Sink or Swim
James Koval & Mitch Schall