No Hope The PodcastAuthor: Patrick Bradley
Pro-human, anti-war, no illusion of this libertarian stuff ever actually working out. Language: en Genres: News, Politics, Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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More election questions, covid vaccine...Hope there is??
Episode 66
Tuesday, 24 November, 2020
Episode 66 This is the final episode of No Hope the Podcast at least for a while. We will be taking a break from things and maybe reconsider when 2021 arrives. Don't get your hopes up though. Not for any reason. Not ever. Being hopeful is for nerds and suckers. In this episode we discuss the latest in the election fraud show. Is Powell the Kraken?? We discuss some of the latest Covid19 numbers and throw around some ideas concerning the latest wave. And in our final segment we discuss the upcoming Covid19 vaccines and why we feel a little hope in the matter. bye bye. Subscribe to the No Hope the Podcast's YouTube Channel: Find me on Twitter, Gab and Facebook Twitter: Gab: Facebook: Find Adam on Twitter: