Deconstructing Dad Podcast  

Deconstructing Dad Podcast

Author: Monkey Poo Studios

Keeping a positive outlook on life can be trying. Add in kids, divorce, dating, therapy, co-parenting, and self deprecating humor and you've got the modern day building blocks for becoming a successful single father! ...or something like that.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Breaking Up & Heading To Paris
Episode 12
Monday, 18 December, 2023

In this episode, the original Dad's meet up to play catch up! Dan has sadly gone through a break up and apparently was told he was missing ALL of the signs that it was happening. Meanwhile, he's owed a bit of money and maybe a hug or two.  While still looking for a full-time status in the job market, a trip to France for he and his daughter has long since been paid for so he makes the decision to go!  Jason struggles with finding the right time to bring the entire family together for Family Pictures. Because the last time this happened, things went over swimmingly, so why wouldn't they this time? That is IF he can get everyone together in the same block of time! 


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