the Jender podcast  

the Jender podcast

Listen to gender-variant thoughts and thinkers

Author: Jen

in Jender, Jen discusses questions of gender and identity, food, fashion and lockdown with their gender variant friends from all over the world. powered by
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality, Society & Culture

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Episode 1: Episode 8: Why to sing karaoke in your kitchen
Episode 1
Thursday, 3 December, 2020

In episode 8, or rather episode 1 of season 2, Jen chats with Jade Phoenix, the transfemale, half phillipino founder of the Zodiacbar in London. We talk gender and ientity in the Phillipines , spam with eggs, and pingpong playing in Regent's Park. We discuss identity vs. sexuality, Soho karaoke bars, special Lugaw in Manila and how there is no difference between "he" and "she" in Tagalog.


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