Pop Psyc PodcastIn today's diverse American Pop Culture we discus Author: Pop Psyc Productions
In today's diverse American Pop Culture we discuss everything from the Fashionista Lupita Nyong'o to the Social Justice Revolution sparked by Mike Brown and Eric Garner to a crumbling Political system. However, what we often don't do is discuss the Psychological ramifications of our current Pop Culture. How do the sound bits, images and discussions we see taking place in the United States affect our personal and collective Psyche? Pop Psyc is devoted to exploring this topic through blog posts and podcasts (coming soon) so that we can take some time and think about how the world around us is actually changing our thoughts and behaviors. We will take a look at recent news items, under reported stories and topics and sometimes just plan silly anecdotes in an attempt to make meaning and inspire change. To be able to create change, we must speak out and follow through with action. Just as we will be sharing our thoughts, we ask you to engage with us! Write blog entries for us to post on our site, comment on our posts and podcasts and, most importantly, share Pop Psyc with your friends! Spread the word and let's start a revolution to make meaning and inspire change! Language: en Genres: Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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What! Now What... July 1, 2015
Wednesday, 1 July, 2015
This week your host, Ignatius, discusses SCOTUS, Marriage Equality and it's backlash; The Little White Lie that makes race even more complicated; The presidential race so far; and Bristol Palin's 2nd pregnancy