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Beyond Queer StoriesAuthor: Dawn Brown
Beyond Queer Stories podcast gives voice to the queer community through the art of storytelling. We feature a storyteller from the community every week to get to know them and hear about their experiences beyond sexual orientation and gender identity. In the queer community we are often called to only tell our queer stories. We go beyond single identities and discuss the intersectionality of our experiences and who we are as a diverse community. Language: en Genres: Health & Fitness, Personal Journals, Sexuality, Society & Culture Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Ep 54: Lily Be: Nothing happens to you, everything is happening for you
Episode 64
Sunday, 3 May, 2020
This week we talk with THE Lily Be! Lily Be is the longtime host and producer of The Stoop, a live off-book storytelling show on Chicago's West Side. She strives to bring storytelling to those who may not have access to help them discover their voice and standing in their truths. Anna and Dawn talk with her about the importance of representation and inclusivity in storytelling spaces and how Lily Be discovered her asexual identity when practicing for a rap battle. Check out her website at https://www.lilybe.com/Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @beyondqueerstories and on Twitter @beyondqueerpod. Also check out the links on our profiles to submit to be featured on Beyond Queer Stories, or email us at beyondqueerstories@gmail.com. Podcast music created by queer artist Be Steadwell. Check out her music at www.besteadwell.com Beyond Queer Stories is produced and edited by Dawn Brown and is recorded in the Cards Against Humanity podcast studio in Chicago, IL. Check out their products at https://cardsagainsthumanity.com/ Finally, tune in to https://www.e3radio.org/ the only station playing queer & independent music in high rotation. E3 Radio is Queer Radio Done Right!