The Elemental Lifestyle Podcast  

The Elemental Lifestyle Podcast

Empowering you to crush the patterns of behavior that compromise the health of your finances and relationships. Learn how to embrace intimacy, money, and your own power.

Author: Katrina Elkins

Brave and Bold conversations about Relationships, Money, and Transformation. Katrina is an alchemist, shaman, coach, somatic specialist and offers her guests and listeners a safe space to share about their transformation and awakening with the use of their voices. Personal sovereignty requires strong relationships with money, romance, and love. In the last seven years, her work with men and women has allowed them to crush behavioral pattern that compromise the health of their finances and relationships. Hundreds of people from around the world have received powerful insights into their sexuality and romantic relationships. Katrina hosts radical conversations that give you a taste of her coaching style, which is is authentic, compassionate. True freedom is only available by being honest with the pain in our hearts and voicing the places of the things that we absolute desire in our lives. The robust container offered in The Elemental Lifestyle allows men and women to be compassionately held in the deepest pains of betrayals in romantic relationships, sexual trauma, and childhood abuse. Your freedom in a romantic relationship is vital to you, being your sovereign self. Sessions are available at
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Relationships, Sexuality, Society & Culture

Contact email: Get it

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iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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