Reinvent You Show  

Reinvent You Show

Author: George Helou and Leah Savage

How to 'Reinvent You' with your co-hosts George Helou and Leah Savage, exploring and discussing our perception, our approach to any circumstance where we are stuck. In depth, robust and crazy conversations about being human and the power to unlock new ways to be, for timely and often overdue breakthroughs!
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Science, Social Sciences

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Monday, 24 May, 2021

Connection is defined as a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else. It is interesting that nowhere in that definition does it say anything about the connection to ourselves We have never been more connected to everything that is outside of us than we are now, but we have also never been more disconnected from ourselves. George and Joey explore the reasons why the connection to the outside world is so important to us right now, but also on how a deep focus on that has left us more disconnected from our true selves more than ever. 


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