Rice and Poke Chop  

Rice and Poke Chop

Author: Nettie Xclusive and Taryn

"Rice and Poke Chop" is a podcast featuring lively and entertaining discussions between me and my daughter, Taryn. Named after an inside family joke, we dive into a variety of topics with humor and insight, reflecting on our cultural heritage and personal experiences. Whether it's sharing funny stories or debating current events, our conversations are always engaging and full of heart.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Entertainment News, News, Society & Culture

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What is it important to Decenter Men
Episode 2
Friday, 28 June, 2024

In this episode, we delve into the importance of Black American women focusing on their own needs and well-being, a concept often overlooked in our upbringing. I recently saw a comment highlighting that Black American women are frequently seen as the most male-centered ethnic group. This prompted me to reflect on how many of us were raised to secure the 'wife' title and cater to men rather than prioritizing our own well-being. We were taught to cook, clean, and take care of men's needs, especially millennials.Now that we know better, we can do better. It's time to stop caring about what men think and start doing what makes us happy. The right man will come along when we are true to ourselves. This podcast is not about bashing men; I've always promoted healthy romantic relationships. However, after taking a break from my five-year marriage to focus on myself and decenter men, I learned a lot about what I like and what I no longer accept.It wasn't an easy journey, but I worked on myself from the inside out, and I encourage all women to do the same. After all, how can you know what's good for you if you're always looking for a man to save or distract you? I don't learn from men; I learn about men. Join me in this episode as we explore the empowering journey of decentering men and prioritizing our own happiness and growth.


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