What and Why Comics  

What and Why Comics

Author: Garrett Klinkerman & Kadley Harmon

What and Why Comics talks about mainstream and niche comics from Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Shonen Jump from over the course of an 8 week serial, posted biweekly. In each episode, Garrett the What Klinkerman will explain what the comic is, what happens in it, what worked, and what didnt, and Kadley the Why Harmon will explain why the comic exists, the historical context behind it, and some of the writing choices that went on behind the panels.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction

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Requiem: A Silver Surfer Season Finale
Monday, 2 May, 2022

Silver Surfer is a philosophical staple of the Marvel franchise, and his death in Silver Surfer: Requiem is iconic with its status as a think-piece, amazing art, and the content itself. In this extra long episode, Garrett 'The What' Klinkerman and Kadley 'The Why' Harmon analyze what makes this four issue run tick. It's been an honor making content for you all, and we hope to return next fall semester!SourcesSilver Surfer Silver Surfer: Requiem Overview of Silver Surfer: Requiem Stan Lee on Silver Surfer Doctor Who Quote Philosophy of Superman Free Will vs Determinism Essentialism vs Existentialism Perspectives of Death Categorical Imperatives What is Justice? What is a Good Life? 


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