An Elementary Podcast

Author: Val & Alec

Val flightcub and their crime-solving friends discuss Elementary, the best show on television.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Episode 51 – Some Real Among Us Type Stuff
Episode 51
Tuesday, 11 October, 2022

Val's irregular, Joe @thetallestjew, is back, and this time we're talking math! There's all kinds of mathematical questions in season 3 episode 4 of Elementary, A Regular Irregular, and there's even more in this podcast episode. What kind of math do cops do? What's the evilest number? And why do we still have to learn pre-calc in high school, even though it sucks so much??? This episode of Elementary also features a very gifable, very ship-able moment. You can join the LMNOP discord to see a screencap of Marcus Bell being a little guy, but you'll have to watch the episode of the Elementary for the totally-not-romantic accidental embrace that he shares with Sherlock. Joe (he/him) @thetallestjew Intro song by Noah Geist Outro song is Watching the Detectives by Elvis Costello Join our discord!


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