Sports Meats Beer  

Sports Meats Beer

Author: Go-To Productions, Ben Perry & Brad Barmore

Hosted by Brad & Ben, Sports Meats Beer is what you get when you put a bbq restaurant owner and a beer distributor together to talk shop and sports.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Food

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Jeremy Grenert of Bear Republic Brewing
Episode 128
Friday, 30 October, 2020

Episode Number One Hundred Twenty Eight! Sports Meats Beer is back!!This week, Ben talks shop with his friend Jeremy Grenert from Bear Republic Brewing.To contact SMB: Email: SportsMeatsBeer@Gmail.comFacebook, Twitter & Instagram: @SportsMeatsBeerText or Voicemail: 415-496-9511Sports Meats Beer is brought to you in part by Go-To Productions, visit the website at


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