Galactic Driftwood  

Galactic Driftwood

A raft of discussion on a cosmic ocean of Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Author: Galactic Driftwood

Galactic Driftwood is the favorite podcast of sentient beings from all known universes and beyond! Join us each episode for a raft of discussion on a cosmic ocean of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror topics, interviews with local-area genre-devotees, and insightful prognostication by our soothsayers of science fiction, our forecasters of fantasy and any other beings that happen to get caught in our gravity well.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction, TV & Film

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E217 - Star Trek: Unification
Wednesday, 11 December, 2024

" boldly go where no man has gone before!" Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Galactic Driftwood Podcast! We've been on hiatus for a few weeks for the ship to undergo maintenance and our Captain (with away party) went to investigate Teslacon, posing as locals. More on that in another episode though. This episode, we're talking about a special that recently dropped on YouTube; a touching tribute to Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek, called Unification. Join us as we discuss our thoughts on this short film. Let us know what you think in the comments.


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