New Prime of Life  

New Prime of Life

Author: RTHK.HK

A fallacy that people have is that they have only one purpose in life. Life is short and we only live once. We must manage our time wisely and make the most of the opportunities it brings. Some people leave their achievements in the past, bravely step out of their comfort zones and challenge the unknown. Reaching out to their dreams, they set forth to a brand new adventure. Wish, and await the curtains to draw back, for the next exciting act! "New Prime of Life" introduces a group of people who is passionate towards their life. Although they have reached the retirement age, they refuse to lead a regular life. They set out on a new endeavor, sailing through many more challenges and tests to their next destination. With the many unknown factors in the process, how does this group of masters balance reality and dreams? Is their age considered a constraint or an asset?
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Language: en-us

Genres: Society & Culture

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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