My Parallel Life  

My Parallel Life

Author: Jumpycat Studios

Daniel Jones' perfect life just took a sharp turn for the worse. His parents separated, he has to move to an apartment in the city and go to a PUBLIC school (ugh!) where everyone is a TOTAL SLACKER and no one cares about his high GPA and PRESTIGIOUS WRITING AWARDS, and worst of all, his mom just up and left the country. Daniel is working up a plan to make his life more acceptable, when he discovers a strange door... A door that takes him to a parallel life where his parents hadn't separated. Episode One is premiering October 1st. My Parallel Life was created by Vera Greentea and Jasmine Brown, and co-produced with Mike Umile. Subscribe for an episode every Thursday.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Fiction, Science Fiction

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Daniel and the Realization that he's not LC anymore: A Conversation between the Creators.
Wednesday, 31 March, 2021

Cast and Crew Interview 1!This one is LC Witter (the star of the show, voice actor for Daniel Jones), Jasmine Brown (co-creator), Vera Greentea (co-creator) and Mike Umile (audio engineer extraordinaire and co-producer). We get into the weeds about how audio was created for the show, how acting a character becomes being a character, and how to write stories that are true to ourselves. Plus, some advice from everyone! Written by Vera Greentea and Jasmine Brown. Co-produced with Mike Umile. Music by aBird. Art by Silvan Borer.Find more information about MY PARALLEL LIFE at  If you like the show and want to buy us a coffee, you may do so at  


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