Bearsville Productions  

Bearsville Productions

Author: Bearsville Productions

Bearsville, home of the legendary Bearsville Theater and Bearsville Center, is in the heart of the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. Built fifty years ago on the edge of the town of Woodstock by legendary Albert Grossman to showcase his world renowned artists, Bearsville is once again making music. We deliver ground-breaking and exciting new music and entertainment to the world. We nurture and inspire future generations in the space that ground-breaking artists call and have called their home. We honor and pay homage to the legacy of Albert Grossman and the many Woodstock artists who practice and have practiced their craft in Bearsville and Woodstock. - Bob Dylan poetically re-wrote the rules of song-writing - - Janis Joplin broke the mold for female singers - - Todd Rundgren re-created the role of music producer - By offering an acoustically perfect live stage, streaming platforms, and the famed Utopia Studios, we offer writing, rehearsal, performance and recording facilities of every kind including podcasts, TV and video production. These podcasts feature the best of the past, plus ground-breaking and exciting new music and broadcasting. We offer you memorable, inspiring performances in honor of Alberts legacy and the many excellent musicians who have practiced their craft in this special place.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Arts, Music, Music History, Performing Arts

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Women in Music - Episode 1
Tuesday, 1 June, 2021

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