The SmackDown Rebound  

The SmackDown Rebound

Zach Hagenbucher and Joshua Jaeger are reliving the Ruthless Aggression era of WWE's blue brand, SmackDown, and they want you to come along for the ride. Watch along every week and listen along to hear perspectives from the time and how it all...

Author: SmackDown Rebound

Zach Hagenbucher and Joshua Jaeger are reliving the Ruthless Aggression era of WWE's blue brand, SmackDown, and they want you to come along for the ride. Watch along every week and listen along to hear perspectives from the time and how it all compares to modern standards. Subscribe and listen every Thursday!
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Language: en

Genres: Sports, Wrestling

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October 3rd, 2002 - Dealt a Bad Hand
Thursday, 14 March, 2019

Undertaker is in an unfamiliar situation, Matt Hardy's ego continues to inflate, a tournament to crown new champions begins, and Edge and Kurt Angle put on another barn burner. It all goes down this week in the SmackDown Rebound!


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