In and [Out of] The Arena  

In and [Out of] The Arena

Author: Paden Fallis

In and [Out of] The Arena is a weekly, topic-driven podcast where actors discuss how they work and move in the world. We engage with actors whose work spans from Broadway to network television, top regional theatres to top-grossing films... indie films, cable television, daytime television, commercials, voiceover and much more. Each week will address a different topic. The Me-Too movement, automation, religion, addiction, and how they deal with rejection are just some of the topics that will be covered. This podcast will illuminate and reveal what it means to be a part of the working class of a billion dollar industry.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Performing Arts, TV & Film

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"We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On..."
Episode 22
Wednesday, 15 May, 2019

Our group of working actors talk about the dreams they still hold onto today, many years into their work as an actor


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