the ghetto truth Magazine  

the ghetto truth Magazine

Author: the ghetto truth Magazine

Mystery, Power, Growth on the ghetto truth Magazine with T.Felder and Ghetto Gospel. Love and life is never easy, but it gets easier when we could share our experiences and finding a truth in knowing we are not alone. We are all connected in this Multi-Verse and we need to connect to that truth. Were talking about it Tuesdays 2-3pm PST on Anchor.Fm
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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Henry Dumas and The Story Hasn’t Changed.
Episode 11
Thursday, 3 September, 2020

On the record since 1936 unarmed people in America are murdered. Henry Dumas , a poet wrote about police killings in America and he became a part of America’s should be shame. He was shot in the chest in 1969. Now we are in 2020 and the story hasn’t changed. They kill unarmed people, don’t they?


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