Urge Fix: Strategies & Support for Recovering Addicts and People Who Love Them  

Urge Fix: Strategies & Support for Recovering Addicts and People Who Love Them

Author: Cyntrell Crawford MD: Addiction habits exposed and recovery strategies from

Are you in active recovery? Have a family member who struggles with addiction? Are you drifting dangerously close to an addiction? Urge Fix is the show that meets an individual where he or she stands on the recovery path from addiction back to vitality. Host Dr. Cyntrell Crawford listens to your darkest urges, and, just in time, provides the assistance you need to bypass the temptation and get back on the path that leads to a great life. Move from the messed up lifestyle of a user to clean and sober living. No need or desire to pick up a habit that no longer serves you. Hear success stories from the heroes just like you who are reclaiming an amazing life. Listen to experts who give you the latest tips on recognizing the stress in your life that leads to the urge that will result in a downward spiral if not nipped. Life snags, addiction misconceptions, quick fixes and a growing community of urge fixers who have lived beyond their addiction to assist others.
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Language: en

Genres: Personal Journals, Science, Social Sciences, Society & Culture

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Episode 3
Friday, 1 May, 2020

Today, we will discuss sports in #recovery during the #COVID-19 pandemic. Continue your journey as we continue to maintain social distancing to fight Coronovirus.  


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