Chatting with The Experts with Paula Okonneh  

Chatting with The Experts with Paula Okonneh

Author: Paula Okonneh Coach, Podcaster,Digital Marketer

Are you a solopreneur, entrepreneur, or small business owner looking to connect with other small business owners ? Are you yearning to know how they became successful at what they do? Then tune into Chatting with Experts podcast as we have all the right answers for you! Here you can listen to successful small business owners like Sonia Stetzler, Bill Franklin, Tesse Akpeki, Leanne Cannon and so many others share tips, advice and strategies on how they built their businesses . Join us on and determine how to become the success that you are.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Approach Your Vision with Confidence
Thursday, 20 June, 2024

Alicia Couri, Founder and CEO of Audacious Concepts, Inc. and Red Carpet CEO speaks on empowering, educating, and inspiring women globally, specifically by identifying and harnessing one's innate strengths to achieve their vision and goals. Alicia narrated her own experience of realizing her natural talent wasn't in traditional fields, but more in initiating projects and being a visionary. She highlighted the importance of understanding this cognitive wiring in individuals for successful communication, conflict resolution, and productivity.  Alicia uses Kolbe and Predictive Index tools to help clients realize their innate strengths.  


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