Pressure ProfilesAuthor: Linn
Discussing important topics related to the hospitality industry while aiming to provide diversity & representation. To get in contact, reach me on or message @pressureprofiles on Instagram. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Vava Angwenyi - coffee exporter & author
Episode 1
Thursday, 27 April, 2023
I talk to Vava Angwenyi, a multitalent within the coffee industry. She is the founder of Vava coffee, Gente del Futuro (co-founder) and the author of COFFEE MILK BLOOD, a book she created to challenge the colonial narrative in coffee production. In this episode, we try to provide the listener with a surface level understanding of the coffee trading in Kenya and discuss topics like "the typical Kenyan coffee" and it's limiting implications but also the variety of coffee grown in the country and it's potential if we could re-envision what a coffee from Kenya can be. If you like this episode, be sure to listen to the Guest Episode with Vava & Jake Green where they talk more about Gente del Futuro and COFFEE MILK BLOOD. Big thank you to: Vava Angwenyi - @vavacoffeekenya Gente del Futuro - @gentefuturo La Dulce Toro Cafe - @ladulcetorolamu COFFEE MILK BLOOD - @coffeemilkblood Jesse Raub - for creating the music accompanying this episode. Ashley Rodriguez - for everything