Parents Navigating the Teen Years  

Parents Navigating the Teen Years

Author: Ed Gerety

Hosted by Ed Gerety, Top Motivational Speaker/Author, CSP An authentic conversation about the toughest issues facing teenagers today and what we can do as parents to help them navigate these challenging waters. Featuring award-winning educators, authors, and special guests that provide expert advice, real solutions, and inspiration so together we can help our teens succeed in school and in life.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting, Society & Culture

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109: Preparing to Launch Your Teenager into Adulthood
Monday, 24 February, 2025

Dr. Stoltzfus’ mission is to provide information, education, guidance, and resources to parents of young adults struggling to launch their young adults into self-sufficient and responsible adulthood while maintaining a caring bond with them. More today than ever, parents of young adults are trying to determine the best approach to aiding their young adults in their challenges of identity, independence, and intimacy without contributing to their dependency or alienation. Over fifty percent of 18-29-year-olds live with one or both parents; some of these kids are stuck and not moving toward independence. Another group of young people has left home, but 1 out of 4 have cut off communication with their parents for, on average, four months; some will never reconnect. Both of these situations represent failures to launch. When there is a failure to launch, parents and young adults suffer. How can parents navigate the letting go process of the teenage years in order to prepare the teen for greater independence and responsible adulthood? Moving from control and direction to influence, coaching, collaborating, and consulting. Moving closer not to control but to support the key developmental tasks of adolescence- identity, independence, and intimacy. The importance of demonstrating backbone with love or “tough love.” What can parents do to successfully let go and launch their young adult? When is it time for young adults to leave home? The six practices that are important to set up a successful launch into adulthood. Balancing support and letting go with setting limits and saying no. What are basic truths about parents and their adult children? Sponsored by Resources Book: Jack’s latest book was published in September of this year and is available on Amazon: The Parent’s launch Code: Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children. Website:


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