Full Volume Podcast  

Full Volume Podcast

A Marvel Disney after-show with Harvey Brent and G.I. Jolie. Join us as we talk about Marvel Studios latest offerings and comic book tv and film in general. It's the same tired nerd sh*t with a little more sass....

Author: Comic Book Syndicate network

A Marvel Disney after-show with Harvey Brent and G.I. Jolie. Join us as we talk about Marvel Studios latest offerings and comic book tv and film in general. It's the same tired nerd sh*t with a little more sass.
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Language: en-us

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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She-Hulk Ep.1 - A Normal Amount of Rage | FVP #72
Sunday, 21 August, 2022

Harvey Brent and GI Jolie talk about the very first, SENSATIONAL episode of She-Hulk from Marvel Disney+


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