Tales of the Night Sky  

Tales of the Night Sky

Author: Bibi Jacob, Geoff Chong

Original audio drama with spectacular soundscapes, based on the Greco-Roman myths behind the constellations. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob, these moving and sometimes humorous tales, brim with tragedy, injustice, and violence.
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Language: en

Genres: Astronomy, Drama, Fiction, Science

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S3 E5 Laelaps: The Constellation of Canis Major
Episode 5
Saturday, 14 December, 2024

Laelaps, Europa’s yellow dog, has forgotten what love is, until Procris enters his life. His devotion to her will lead him to some unexpected places in this heartbreaking tale of loyalty and treachery. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob.  Sound and production by Geoff Chong. Narrated by Sandy Bernard. Featuring Rufo Quintavalle as Minos and Zelda Rittner as Procris. And also featuring the lovely dogs, Luna and Gus. With huge thanks to their mistresses, Sandy and Gaëlle. Check out the substack Stelliferous for more on the constellations.


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