Changing the Stream with "The Crawf"  

Changing the Stream with "The Crawf"

Changing the Stream with "The Crawf" The main st

Author: The Crawf

Changing the Stream with "The Crawf" The main steam or the "money stream" is dominated by money and corruption... NO SH@T! Nothing new here. Changing the Stream is all about shining light on the alternatives out there that are genuine and work. There are thousands/millions/billions of brilliant people out there that are kicking ass in their personal little niche... Changing the Stream wants to bring those people to your ears. That way at least we have the freedom to decide what you want to do with your life rather than swallow the overwhelming bull sh#t of the "standard narrative".
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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Suzanne Scarrow CTS Podcast #5
Tuesday, 10 January, 2017

Suzanne is a psychologist here in cairns. She employs some different techniques that i found helpful while visiting her clinic. We had a great chat about stress and how it gets in the way or blocks us from feeling happy and achieving what we really want! Suzanne has a website with free info on what she does. Her book Finding Peace Now is available on Amazon and ij local book shops in Cairns.


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