Adventures In Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast  

Adventures In Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Author: Thistle Podcasts

In Adventures in Time and Space, Stephen and Mike watch all of Doctor Who from 1963 to present. Mike has watched a little of Classic and Mike gets to watch parts of Who he has never seen. Stephen has watched all of it from 1963 - Present. In our episodes we review a Classic story, followed by a New Who episode and any new episodes when they air. We discuss the latest Doctor Who news, theories and interesting stories from the production of each story. So what you waiting for? Come and joins us on the trip of a lifetime!
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Language: en

Genres: TV & Film, TV Reviews

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S2 E14: The Crusade
Episode 14
Wednesday, 19 February, 2025

Stephen and Mikediscuss the latest news and travel back to March/April 1965 to review TheCrusade from Season 2 (1964/65). If you enjoy what wedo, please consider following the Podcast, rate the podcast and share with yourfriends and family. We want to hear from you so comment below.  We have come up withour own Rating system for the podcast. Taking a quote from Doctor Who for our 5star rating system. Also added a scaling system of 1 - 10 next to each if youare so inclined. 5 Stars: Fantastic (9-10)Top episode. One of the first episodes you would go to for a Doctor WhoRewatch. 4 Stars: Brilliant (7-8)Few bad things, but overall really good.3 Stars: Ood (5-6)A pile of good things and bad things. 2 Stars: Oh Good Grief! (3-4)Few good things, but overall really bad. 1 Star: Hmm; I Don't Like It (1-2)Lowest episode ever. Never wanna watch it again. Alons-y!  Doctor Who Theme(EPIC VERSION) Sixty Years by Peter Miles:  Follow Adventures InTime And Space on; Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok Adventures In TimeAnd Space Youtube Email us:   Adventures in Timeand Space: A Doctor Who Podcast was brought to you by Thistle Podcasts. Check out oursocials for more info on other podcasts we do. Email Thistle PodcastsFacebook page: Thistle PodcastsX/Twitter Page: Thistle PodcastsInstagram Page:   


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