JERRY FERRARA: Bad 4 Business  

JERRY FERRARA: Bad 4 Business

Author: Jerry Ferrara & Breanne Racano

Is it bad for business for your girlfriend to produce your podcast? Is it bad for business to hire your friends as well? Is it bad for business for your title to be "Bad for Business"? Or for your 5 year old nephew to draw your graphics? Host Jerry Ferrara gives commentary on the daily things that make you wanna laugh, cry and punch people. Oh and we should have some pretty cool guests barring this show isn't a total disaster. Tune in...
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Wednesday, 13 September, 2023

Jerry sits down with Jets content creator and ESPN host Jake Asman to discuss the awful Aaron Rodgers injury. Superbowl champ Will Blackmon joins Jerry to discuss why turf needs to go in the NFL. Also Will tells the "coldest game he ever played" in the NFL story. And of course, when you talk to Will you ask him about wine! Watch the show on YOUTUBE to see how handsome Jerry is: SUBSCRIBE-------   Twitter/Instagram: @jerryferrara Jake Asman: @jakeasman Will Blackmon: @willblackmon


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