Bitching and Wining  

Bitching and Wining

Author: Mikayla & Zoee

Bitching and Wining is comedy podcast hosted by long time friends Mikayla and Zoee. Every week you can tune into the musings of two liked minded millenials as we tackle a variety of topics from dating to true crime, over a couple generous glasses of wine that is. Clink Clink bitches.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Comedy, Improv, Society & Culture

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69. The Bitter Little Lads
Episode 69
Tuesday, 16 August, 2022

Hello darling bitches and welcome to our 69th episode...... don't be cheeky I know what you're thinking. This week we are discussing all those super fun and lovely things that run nonstop on a loop in our brains when we are trying to fall asleep. So grab that wine and get ready for a very light session of therapy with Mikayla & Zoee where we are clearly not bitter at all.Graphic Design: Lauren Wittman (@laurenjellydonut)Jingle: Brandon Dover (@swish_lindros)Give us attention:Instagram: @bitching.and.winingFacebook: Bitching and WiningEmail:


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