The Goldnerds Podcast 2.0  

The Goldnerds Podcast 2.0

Author: (Joe Goldnerds)

Joe, Ashley, Lanz, and Shai (and whoever else stops by) discuss the latest episodes of The Goldbergs and Schooled, and Goldverse developments, as well as related pop culture recollections and industry news
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Language: en-us

Genres: After Shows, TV & Film

Contact email: Get it

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Cocoon Aftershow LIVE! Paul Scheer and June are almost as amazing as Guttenberg!
Episode 130
Thursday, 28 January, 2021

In our first live podcast of 2021, Shai and Lanz talk about this week's Goldbergs ep - Cocoon - a real tearjerker. We also ask the audience to rank their favorite Pops-focused episodes. George Segal is a national treasure! Thanks to all of the Goldnerds who came out for the live show! 


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