

The Archives of Lapdancer and Drake Hills

Author: lapdancer

An eclectic collection of unreleased Lapdancer material. Also, the occasional DJ mix sets manipulated and mangled for your earhole pleasures. From my heart to yours. Lapdancer AKA Drake Hills is a musician/noisician, filmmaker, writer, teacher, reader and coffee afficianado residing in Japan.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Lapdancer: COBRA VOICE
Friday, 20 October, 2006

Cobra Voice is an experiment in vocalics. A minimal and disjointed filmic sequence of squelches, creaking, squeaking, shrieks and other vocal induced noise. Like the cobra, the music here snaps, hisses and slides. At the same time, there is an underlying story here, a gentle melody floats in, a scene is painted on the screen of your mind, a cat, a horse, a house, a boat. This is by far one of my most powerful works and I provide it to you free of charge. WARNING: ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING


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