

Author: Adam Drapcho, Kaylon Sweet

This is Sweets and Adam. We decided to make a podcast talking about the things we like to talk about with people we like to talk with. So hold on to your boot straps as you prepare to take the deep dive with us on all things restaurant, culinary, life, family, pop culture, and really you name it, as we transport you to place that says it's ok to be a bit unreasonable.
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Food, Personal Journals, Society & Culture

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Code Name Dustin Martel : Breakfast and Lunch man of mystery
Episode 3
Thursday, 16 April, 2020

This week we chat with our buddy Dustin Martel from Margarets Kitchen about life, family, and how those things fit into our lives as restaurant people. So come on and enjoy our bodacious voices as we keep you company again.


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