Your Only [OBJECTIVE]  


Author: Richards Thomas

- Your Only [Objective] -  Youtube Link  There are things lurking in the forests and the shadows. But more often than not, those things are out and about, interacting with thousands of people. In this world, even before humankind, there have been oddities. Freaks. Entities. Things that never made much sense. Sometimes we call them super-beings. Other times, they are monsters. We can see them in books or on the screen and can often lay in bed with the acknowledgement that the things that bump in the night aren't a monster. Not everyone is as fortunate. There is a kernel of truth in every story. There are thousands upon thousands of things out there that cant be explained. Even with every piece of technology we have, there is something unexplainable. The [redacted] organization seeks to find those things that really do wander the streets and go bump in the night. Whether it is to capture, kill, or contain, there is only one [Objective].
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Language: en

Genres: Arts, Books, Drama, Fiction

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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