Newtown Alive  

Newtown Alive

Bringing the stories of survival and success in Newtown, Florida alive for today and future generations.

Author: Vickie Oldham, Newtown Alive

Newtown Alive is a podcast dedicated to the lives, memories and stories of the people of Newtown, Florida. Honoring the work that our predecessors did, while acknowledging the work left to do. For more information and all episodes visit our site:
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Language: en

Genres: Documentary, History, Society & Culture

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Sheila Sanders Talks About Her Drive From An Early Age to Fight For A Better Tomorrow
Episode 10
Friday, 29 July, 2022

Sheila Sanders has a sweet smile butdon’t mistake it for weakness. She organized a boycott of the Sarasota FederalBank as a third grader at Booker Elementary School. At that time, her classlearned money management by filling out savings deposit slips for theirpennies, dimes and nickels, but the students could not take tours of the bankas children from other schools did. Sanders persuaded her classmates to senddeposits to Palmer Bank where they could tour.  Her actions foreshadowedfuture activism. The teenager proactively participated in the NAACPaccompanying leaders John Rivers and Maxine Mays to local and state meetings. Inhigh school, Sanders learned about the political process by reviewing the agendaof school board meetings and attended the meetings by taking the city bus.“Some things won’t be said just because you’re sitting there.”  Sanders, William “Flick” Jackson andJohn Rivers joined Dr. Edward E. James II as plaintiffs in a lawsuit againstthe City of Sarasota. They successfully pushed for single member districtvoting that opened the way for African American representation on the SarasotaCity Commission.


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