Poppin' Bottles Dad-Cast  

Poppin' Bottles Dad-Cast

Author: Poppin' Bottles Dad-Cast

Once upon a time: A couple of dads who were up to no good, started making dad-casts in the neighborhood. Ben and Nick, two young-ish dads, discuss the world of being dads and having tiny humans to raise. They also have a variety of dads from the podcasting and blogging world on as special guests. Listen up, busters.
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Language: en

Genres: Society & Culture

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Ep 132: The Series Finale
Monday, 30 September, 2019

After six years of shows, it's time to say goodbye. Ben and Nick talk about some amazing memories over the life of the show, share some thank you's, and fill you in on what's coming next for them. Thank you to everyone who has made this show such a blast to work to make and share with you over the last six years. We love you all!


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