Finding a Voice  

Finding a Voice

This is a showcase of a weekly series of spoken word shows, finding a voice, aired on CFRC 101.9fm, Kingston, ON Shows host/blog space manager, Bruce Kauffman at

Author: CFRC Podcast Network

This is a showcase of a weekly series of spoken word shows, finding a voice, aired on CFRC 101.9fm, Kingston, ON Shows host/blog space manager, Bruce Kauffman at Notice: Some short segments of these blogs may only very occasionally contain strong/mature language.
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Arts, Drama, Fiction, Performing Arts

Contact email: Get it

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Recent readings from a local monthly open mic
Friday, 20 March, 2020

Brodcasted on Friday, March 20, 4-6pm EDT on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ – In the first hour, from the March 3rd reading in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly open mic reading series, you’ll hear readings by Bob MacKenzie, Devin G.A., Brent Raycroft, Devon Runions, Sarah Emtage, Alison Wong, Eric Folsom, Cory Tokay, Pigeon Kaduck, Jhordan Layne, Lee-Ann Taras, Ken Chin, Billie Kearns, Sasha Hill, Meg Freer, and me. In the second hour, continuing with that ‘and the journey continues’ open mic you’ll hear again readings by nearly all those reading above. This hour: Brent Raycroft, Devon Runions, Sarah Emtage, Alison Wong, Eric Folsom, Cory Tokay, Jhordan Layne, Leeann Taras, Ken Chin, Billie Kearns, Sasha Hill, Meg Freer, Bob MacKenzie, and me.


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